- No tickets are required and there is no limit on the number of guests a graduate can invite.
- Clear bag policy in effect and metal detectors used.
- Seating is open and available for guests to seat themselves.
- Doors open 1 hour prior to ceremony start time.
- The ceremony lasts 1 – 1.5 hours
- No outside food or drinks allowed. A limited number of concession counters will sell pre-packaged snacks and drinks.
- Guests may exit the building to meet their graduate in the east parking lot after they have crossed the stage. Please be mindful of other guests awaiting their graduate’s turn.
- Accessible seating is located in the corners of the arena on the main concourse level and is first come, first serve. Accessible seating includes spaces for wheelchair access with one guest seat to accompany them, as well as regular seating that does not require stairs to access. Ushers will help guests find accessible seating areas. Guests must bring any mobility aids needed.